Korean J Schizophr Res Search


Korean Journal of Schizophrenia Research 2007;10(1):41-45.
장기 입원한 여성 정신질환자에서 체중변화와 그 기여 인자
Body mass index텾sychiatric inpatients텹ong-term텰ontributing factors
Objectives:The authors endeavored to determine the long-term weight changes and their contributing factors in psychiatric inpatient for women.
Methods:A retrospective chart review of patients admitted to the psychiatric inpatient unit was conducted. Thirty four women patients who had been admitted over 2 years were included and then factors affecting weight gain were searched. The correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis were applied to analyze the data.
Results:In the correlation analysis, the body mass index (BMI) changes during 2 year-admission was correlated to the BMI at the admission, the applied duration of the drugs prescribed with same from 2 year-admission retrospectively. The stepwise regression analysis showed the significant relationship between the BMI changes during 2 year-admission and the BMI at the admission, the BMI changes during 2 year-admission and the evaluation score of drugs affecting weight gain during 2 year-admission, and the BMI changes during 2 year-admission and the age, respectively.
Conclusion:In this retrospective study, the BMI changes during 2 year-admission was contributed by the BMI at the admission, the evaluated score of drugs affecting weight changes during 2 year-admission, and the age of a patient in women psychiatric inpatient. (Korean J Schizophr Res 2007;10:41-45)
Key Words: Jin-young Lee, MD1, Moon Sung Rhee, MD1, Mi Kyung Lee, MD, PhD1 and Jung Won Hong, MD2
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