비디오를 이용한 가족교육과 강의방식의 가족교육이 정신분열병 환자가족의
정서적 부담에 미치는 효과 비교 |
Chul Kwon Kim, MD1, Jee Young Ahn, MD1, Jin Won Kim, MD2 and Byeong Moo Choe, MD1 |
Abstract |
Objective: The purpose of this paper is to compare the effects of educational methods of showing the videotape and directing
lecture on the family caregiver’s emotional burden with schizophrenia. Methods:Nineteen schizophrenics’ mothers were participated in two weekly educational sessions using videotape and another
19 mothers were educated by lecturer in the same schedule Results:1) There were no significant differences between two education methods of videotape or lecture on the emotional
burden of mothers living with schizophrenia for six months after intervention. 2) Both group showed significantly less emotional
burden at post-education and these effects were maintained at three- and six-month follow-up. Conclusion:These results suggest that family education focusing on the coping strategies to difficult situation could be effective
therapeutic intervention that reduce the emotional burden of families living with schizophrenia. Family education using videotape
could be a useful alternative to overcome the limitation of resources conducting the education of schizophrenic families in Korea.
(Korean J Schizophr Res 2007;10:100-106) |
Key Words:
Education,Family,Burden,Videotape recording,Schizophrenia |