‘약물 관련 섭식행동 질문지’의 개발과 타당화
- 항정신병약물 복용 환자를 대상으로 - |
Meerae Lim, MD, Jihae Noh, MA, Hee Jung Nam, MD,
Ji Hae Kim, PhD, Dong-soo Lee, MD, PhD and Kyung Sue Hong, MD, PhD |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire that can be used for the evaluation of drug-related changes of appetite and
eating behavior (Drug-Related Eating Behavior Questionnaire: DR-EBQ) and test the psychometric properties of the questionnaire
in patients receiving antipsychotics.
Each item of the questionnaire was composed based on previous researches, theoretical hypotheses and clinical experiences. DREBQ
was administered to sixty out patients with psychotic disorder. Test-retest reliability and internal consistency of each item
were evaluated. Convergent validity and factor structures of the questionnaire were also analyzed.
The results suggest that DR-EBQ is an adequate tool reliably measuring the specific nature and severities of antipsychotics-related
changes of appetite and eating behavior. This questionnaire could be widely used in clinical practices and psychopharmacologic
researches. (Korean J Schizophr Res 2008;11:39-44) |
Key Words:
Antipsychotics,Appetite,Eating behavior,Drug-related eating behavior questionnaire (DR-EBQ). |