정신분열병 환자의 한국판 낙인경험 척도 개발:신뢰도 및 타당도 연구 |
Hyung-Gon Chon, MD and Chul-Kwon Kim, MD |
Abstract |
Objectives:The purpose of this study was to develop the Korean version of the psychiatric patients’ experience of stigma (PPES)
among the patients with schizophrenia. Methods:The PPES was administered to 178 schizophrenic patients and 51 depressive patients for examining the reliability and
validity. All patients were enrolled at the outpatient psychiatric clinic of university hospital and the status of psychopathology
were stable. The PPES was modified from the original version for this study. The original version has two sections covering nine
stigma and 12 discrimination questions. Among discrimination items, two items concerning health insurance were deleted because
health insurance environment is quite different between Korea and U.S.A. Additionally, the term “consumer” was supplemented
with the term “persons with mental illness”. And each item on the PPES also has “Does Not Apply” option. Results: Resultsof this study confirmed sound psychometric properties of the PPES. The test-retest reliability and the internal
consistency of PPES were 0.84 and 0.78. Evidence for discriminant validity of PPES came from the results that the total PPES
scores of schizophrenic patients were significantly higher than those of depressive patients. Factor analysis were performed and
five factors accounting for 69.9% of the variance were extracted. Conclusion:The Korean version of PPES was found to be a valid and reliable instrument which can be used to evaluate the
degree of experience of stigma and discrimination in the patients with schizophrenia. (Korean J Schizophr Res 2010;13:34-41) |
Key Words:
Stigma,Prejudice,Scale,Schizophrenia |