조현병의 정신병리와 삶의 질 사이에서 중재자로서의 사회적인지 |
Dong-Ho Song, MD and Sang-Eun Shin, MD, PhD |
Abstract |
Objectives: Deficits in functional outcome are marked in schizophrenia. Recently, social cognition has been identified as a contributor to functional outcome. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship among psychopathology, social cognition and neurocognition with functional outcome in schizophrenia. Methods: Participants were twenty-six inpatients fulfilling criteria for schizophrenia according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders-Fourth Edition-Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). We administered ‘First-order and second-order false belief tasks and Strange story’ for social cognition, ‘Seoul Computerized Neurocognitive Test (SCNT)’ for neurocognition, ‘Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)’ for psychopathology, ‘the Korean Version of 4th Revision of Schizophrenia Quality of life Scale (SQLS-R4K)’ for functional outcome. Results: We identified that the reaction time and errors of trail making test significantly predicted second-order Theory of Mind (ToM) (p<.01). ‘Trials to Complete 1st Categories’ (p<.05) of Wisconsin card sorting test, ‘second false belief’ (p<.05) of social cognition, ‘depression/anxiety factor’ (p<.05) of PANSS predicted quality of life in schizophrenia. Finally, we found that the higher depression/anxiety factor’ the lower quality of life was observed among patients who understood ‘second false belief’ to a greater extent. Conclusion: In summary, our results support the importance of social cognition, depression and anxiety symptoms in quality of life in schizophrenia. the results of this study suggest that social cognition acts as a moderator between psychopathology and quality of life. (Korean J Schizophr Res 2011;14:96-104) |
Key Words:
Schizophrenia , Social cognition , Theory of mind , Depression , Anxiety , Quality of life. |