직업재활이 정신장애인의 증상, 기능 및 인지에 미치는 영향 |
Lae-Sun Kim, MA3, Jae-Yeon Hwang, MD2, Yoon-A Park, MA1,
Jun-Young Lee, MD, PhD1, Hyo-Sung Lee, PhD4 and Hee-Yeon Jung, MD, PhD1 |
Abstract |
Objectives:The aim of this study was to investigate whether vocational rehabilitation can bring about improvement in the symptomatic
domain, general functional status, and the cognitive abilities of the mentally disabled. Methods:Twelve mentally disabled persons performed document scanning and adjustments of scanned images as vocational activity.
Symptomatic (8-item Korean-Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, Clincal Global Impression-Severity, Beck Depression
Index, Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorder), functional (Korean-Global Assessment of Function, Life Satisfaction
Self-Rating Scale, Korean-Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side Effect Rating Scale), and cognitive (Korean-Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale, Verbal Fluency Test, Wechsler Memory Scale, Stroop Test and Trail Making Test) domain were assessed, at
baseline and after 5 months of the vocational activity. Results:Verbal memory, executive function, working memory and attention improved significantly. There were strong trends
toward mitigation of negative and disorganized symptom domain. Seventy-five percent of the mean daily work amount could be
explained by the duration of vocational activity and the severity of the disorganized symptoms. Conclusion:Vocational rehabilitation may bring about improvement in job-related cognitive functions and the mean daily work
load may be associated with the total duration of the vocational activity performed by the mentally disabled. (Korean J Schizophr
Res 2008;11:125-132) |
Key Words:
Cognition,Function,Symptom,Vocational rehabilitation,Mentally disabled. |